[:en]Master's Thesis "263-0800-00 S" at ETH: "Emotion Predictor: Machine Learning Based Prediction of Emotions using Facial Features"[:de]Master's Thesis "263-0800-00 S" an der ETH: "Emotion Predictor: Machine Learning Based Prediction of Emotions using Facial Features"[:]
N-Body Simulation
admin2019-09-02T19:52:56+00:00[:en]Project in the lecture "252-0546-00 S - Physically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics" at ETH.[:de]Projekt in der Vorlesung "252-0546-00 S - Physically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics" an der ETH.[:]
Shape Modelling and Geometry Processing
admin2019-09-02T19:53:13+00:00[:en]Project in the lecture "252-0538-00 S - Shape Modeling and Geometry Processing" at ETH.[:de]Projekt in der Vorlesung "252-0538-00 S - Shape Modeling and Geometry Processing" an der ETH.[:]
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
admin2019-09-25T15:30:25+00:00[:en]Own projects to code taught algorithms from the lecture "252-0002-00 S - Datenstrukturen & Algorithmen" at ETH.[:de]Eigenes Projekt, um gelernte Algorithmen von der Vorlesung "252-0002-00 S - Datenstrukturen & Algorithmen" an der ETH zu programmieren.[:]
3D-Squash im C.A.V.E.
admin2019-09-02T20:48:25+00:00Bachelor Thesis für den BSc in Computer Science an der BFH.
Die Klon-Elefanten-Jagd
admin2022-03-15T11:57:48+00:00[:en]The first 3D game made with "3D Game Studio 5".[:de]Erstes 3D Spiel umgestzt mit "3D Game Studio 5".[:]